Sunday, January 11, 2009

52 Minutes in Photos - Anchorage, AK

I decided that these images were too cool not to share! As I mentioned before, I am an aviation weather forecaster in Anchorage, AK. Because I work in a windowless room, miles from the airport that I forecast for most, I use "webcams" strategically placed around the city to get an idea of what the weather is doing in places that I am not.

The camera that these images were captured from is especially useful for monitoring the formation of fog over Cook Inlet... which often develops when the sun rises. Not only do these images show how fast fog can take over, they also show the full moon... something I have never seen on the web cams before! I was amazed at how quickly the moon moved in to - and out of - the picture.







On a clear day, Mount Susitna (aka. the Sleeping Lady) is visible on the camera and looks like this...

Here is another view of today's fog...

Want to know that it looks like now? Check here...